This blog is about the cats.
I figured that, while some cat posts are fine for Existence is Wonderful, I really wanted somewhere I could write just about cats without getting that whole "I must balance my blogging topics!" sense.
Thus, "Felines are Wonderful". Because they are!

So, expect to see posts about what my cats are up to (individually or in terms of their interactions), what they are like (as best as I can describe, using text, photo, and video), various ethical stuff that has come up in my mind as a result of being around them, etc.
Additionally I have a special interest in feral cats (and feral colony management) considering three of the kitties-in-residence here were adopted from a local feral colony, as were two of my SO's parents' cats (the colony is sort of loosely centered around their neighborhood, which is a few neighborhoods over from mine). So I will also be posting about those cats on occasion, as well as about Trap-Neuter-Return in general and various other feral-related issues and items of potential interest.
And finally, I will also be using this space to write about various cat supplies (food, furniture, toys, etc.) I have had experiences with, whether I've made them myself, modified them, or simply purchased and utilized. All cats are different and I have had a lot of interesting adventures trying to find (for instance) food that everyone will eat and that nobody is allergic to, litter boxes that meet everyone's approval, and so on.
(That said, if I mention brand names (and I will, when it's relevant) know that I am not affiliated with any cat-supply company whatsoever and do not get paid for writing this blog at all, let alone for "endorsing" particular products. If I draw attention to something, it will only be because I and my cats have had personal experience with it and I want people reading this to have an idea of exactly what I am talking about.)
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